Compare the fractions. Use <, =, or >.

7. 2 and 3/4 ___ 2 and 4/6

I don't understand what to do, plz walk me through this problem. Plz respond within the next 24 hours of 9/26/2018, thank you.

3/4 = 6/12

4/6 = 8/12

8/12 > 6/12

Wait, but isn't 2/3 the same as 4/6? so wouldn't it be =?

Ms. Sue, what do you think?

I made a minor correction to Damon's answer.

And yes, 2/3 = 4/6.

Ok, thank you :)

I have a question too that is on the same test. I need help ordering the numbers from least to greatest:

0.42, -1/2, 11/20, -0.51

The trick is to change the fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator -

change them to decimals.

Thanks again Ms. Sue

Ms. Sue, I made the decimals into fractions. What do you think?:

0.42 = 42/100
-0.51 = -51/100
Now how do i list them?

Think about money when looking at decimals. The negative numbers are like debts and the positives are like money in your pocket.