Why or what caused the Indus Valley civilization to disappear?

A. flooding
B. drought
C. foreign invaders
D. no known cause

I know it isn't B because they built mounds to block the flooding. It could be B, C, or D. I am leaning towards C. Can you guys help me?

1. Many of the achievements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization was due to their advanced knowledge of : Mathematics

2. What physical feature separates the subcontinent of India from the rest of Asia? D. Himalayas
3. What caused the Indus Valley civilization to disappear? D. No known Cause

The correct answers are :

1: mathmatics
2: D
3: D

100% guaranteed!

I took the test and it said no known cause! :(

I got it wrong and so now I got 2/3 on my quiz!

Thank you again Stanley Yelnats you are amazing!!!

Is this a Connexus course you're taking? I can't remember how many errors I've seen in their answer choices, in their terminology, and in their texts and tests.

If you can get into a better school, you'll get a better education.

Thx Stanley Yelnats

answers are:

THOSE are the correct answers

I agree with you about C.

thank you Nedchoo

Thank you Stanley