Identify which characteristics were associated with Egyptian gods. (Select all that apply)

A: Deities were only male.

B: Deities controlled all aspects of life.

C: Deities could be either kind or hostile toward humans.

D: Pharaoh was a god himself.

E: Deities were indifferent toward humans.


1. B

2. B
3. B,C, and D
4. B
5. The black land
6. Egypt: grain and jewelry.
Kush: gold and ivory
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. Snefru encourages trade between kush and Egypt. Egypt wants kushes gold, attacks, and conquers kush. Kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers Egypt. The countries are independent until both fall hundreds of years later.
12. Pharaoh: god or king
Nobles/priests/officials: help Pharaoh run the government.
Merchants/artisans: sold and made goods.
Farmers/slaves/servants: did the physical labor of the society.
13. D
14. Glass

@Writeacher, I need help with this one too. Can I have a link or the answer I think are right checked? I think it is B and D.



I think its b and d

yaya got 94 but that bc i missed 2 it still B

Are you sure those are the answers up there

To identify which characteristics were associated with Egyptian gods, we can go through each option and evaluate its accuracy:

A: Deities were only male.
This statement is not entirely accurate. While many Egyptian gods were depicted as male, there were also several female deities worshipped, such as Isis, Hathor, and Sekhmet. So, this statement is incorrect.

B: Deities controlled all aspects of life.
This statement is partially true. Egyptian gods were believed to have dominion over various aspects of life, such as fertility, the Nile River, the sun, and the afterlife. However, it is important to note that different gods were associated with different domains, and not all aspects of life were attributed to a single deity.

C: Deities could be either kind or hostile toward humans.
This statement is accurate. Egyptian gods were believed to have both positive and negative qualities. Some gods were known to be benevolent and helpful towards humans, while others could be wrathful and destructive. The nature of their interactions with humans varied depending on the specific deity and the circumstances.

D: Pharaoh was a god himself.
This statement is somewhat accurate. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was considered a divine figure, often referred to as the "son of Ra" (the sun god). While the pharaoh was not considered to be a god in the same way as the other deities, he was believed to have a special connection to the gods and acted as an intermediary between them and the people.

E: Deities were indifferent toward humans.
This statement is not entirely accurate. Egyptian gods were believed to have personal relationships with humans, and they were often invoked for protection, guidance, and blessings. While some gods may have been more distant or less concerned with human affairs than others, overall, they were seen as actively involved in the lives of worshippers.

In summary, the correct characteristics associated with Egyptian gods are:
- Deities controlled various aspects of life.
- Deities could be either kind or hostile toward humans.
- Pharaoh was a divine figure believed to have a special connection to the gods.
- Deities were not indifferent but had varying degrees of involvement in human affairs.

it can work like that

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