2x + 2 = -3x + 6

2x + 2 = -3x + 6

5x = 4

x = 4/5

I agree with Ms. Sue but I can provide a more detailed info cause shes probably busy

Okay so:
You should start by trying to combine the x!
So to move an x to the other side you have to add or subtract it according to its sign!
If its positive you subtract, if its negative you add!
You can do move either x you want to either side but its easier to work with a positive number so I will move -3x.
In order to move -3x, you must +3x to the other side to even it out making it:
5x + 2 = 6
Now, you move the number without an x and that is 2, since it is positive you subtract it so:
5x= 6
TO solve for x you divide so


To solve the equation 2x + 2 = -3x + 6, we need to find the value of x that makes both sides of the equation equal.

Here's how we can do it step by step:

Step 1: Combine like terms on each side of the equation. On the left side, we have 2x + 2 and on the right side, we have -3x + 6.

2x + 2 = -3x + 6

Step 2: Add 3x to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable x.

2x + 3x + 2 = -3x + 3x + 6

This simplifies to:

5x + 2 = 6

Step 3: Subtract 2 from both sides of the equation.

5x + 2 - 2 = 6 - 2

This simplifies to:

5x = 4

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for x.

(5x)/5 = 4/5

This simplifies to:

x = 4/5

So, the solution to the equation 2x + 2 = -3x + 6 is x = 4/5.