The parametric equations for a line L1 are as follows:

x = −1−2t
y = 4+4t
z = 3−2t

Let L2 be the line parallel to L1 and passing through the point (2, 5, −3). Find the point P on L2 whose x-coordinate is −3.
P = (−3, 0, 0)

The second equation L2 is given by

(x,y,z) = (2,5,-3) + t(-2,4,-2)

we want -3 = 2 -2t
2t = 5
t = 5/2

then (x,y,z) = (2,5,-3) + (5/2)(-2,4,-2)
= (2,5,-3) + (-5, 10, -5) = (-3, 15, -8)

the point is (-3, 15, -8)

To find the point P on line L2 whose x-coordinate is -3, we need to substitute -3 for the x-coordinate in the parametric equations of line L2.

Given that L2 is parallel to L1 and passes through the point (2, 5, -3), the direction vector of L2 will be the same as the direction vector of L1, which is (-2, 4, -2).

Using the point-slope form of a line, where the parametric equations for L2 can be written as:

x = 2 - 2t
y = 5 + 4t
z = -3 -2t

Now, let's find the value of t that corresponds to x = -3:

-3 = 2 - 2t

Subtracting 2 from both sides:

-5 = -2t

Dividing both sides by -2:

t = 5/2

Now we can substitute this value of t into the parametric equations to find the coordinates of point P:

x = 2 - 2(5/2) = -3
y = 5 + 4(5/2) = 15
z = -3 - 2(5/2) = -8

Therefore, the coordinates of point P on line L2 with x-coordinate -3 are P = (-3, 15, -8).

To find the point P on line L2 whose x-coordinate is -3, we need to find the values of t that satisfy the x-component of the parametric equations for line L2 being -3.

The x-component of the parametric equation for line L2 is given by:
x = -1 - 2t

To find the value of t that makes x equal to -3, we can substitute -3 for x in the equation and solve for t:
-3 = -1 - 2t

Adding 1 to both sides:
-2 = -2t

Dividing by -2:
t = 1

Now that we know the value of t, we can substitute it back into the parametric equations for line L1 to find the corresponding values for y and z:

For y:
y = 4 + 4t
y = 4 + 4(1)
y = 8

For z:
z = 3 - 2t
z = 3 - 2(1)
z = 1

Therefore, the point P on L2 with an x-coordinate of -3 is P = (-3, 8, 1).

Well, well, well, it seems like we've got a parallel line problem here. You're looking for the point P on line L2 with an x-coordinate of -3, and L2 is parallel to line L1. Alrighty then, let's dive in!

Given that L2 is parallel to L1, we can use the same parameter t for both lines. We need to find the corresponding values of t that will give us an x-coordinate of -3 for L2.

For line L1, we have:
x = -1 - 2t

To find the corresponding value of t for L2 when x = -3, we can set the x-coordinates of L1 and L2 equal to each other:

-1 - 2t = -3

Solving this equation, we find that t = 1.

Now we can plug t = 1 into the parametric equations of L2 to find the point P:

x = -1 - 2(1) = -3
y = 4 + 4(1) = 8
z = 3 - 2(1) = 1

So, the point P on L2 with an x-coordinate of -3 is P = (-3, 8, 1). And hey, you got it right! P = (-3, 0, 0) is not on L2, so good job on catching that.

Hope that helps! Keep those clown questions coming!