
What value in American identity is most fundamental to the U.S. political system?

A. individual rights ***

B. social conformity

C. national security

D. freedom from rule


Why was Voting Rights Act of 1965 necessary? Select all that apply.

A. Each citizen must be ruled by the same laws. ***

B. Each citizen must be able to participate in government.

C. Each citizen must have the protections of the Bill of Rights. ***

D. Each citizen must have equal voting power in federal elections.

E. Each citizen must complete a test or pay a tax to be registered to vote.


Which condition enabled the virtual enslavement of Asian Americans in the late 19th century?

A. segregation under the seperate but equal doctrine.

B. inability to apply the 13th Amendment in certain states.

C. distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens. ***

D. refusal of the government to protect Asian Americans from their employers.

Check my answers please!!

I got 25% of my test, thanks.


1. A.
2. B. and D.
3. D.

1. Your answer is correct. The most fundamental value in American identity to the U.S. political system is individual rights. These rights are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and they include freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as well as the right to due process and equal protection under the law.

2. Your answers are correct. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was necessary for the reasons you selected. Each citizen must be ruled by the same laws, meaning that everyone should have equal access to voting rights and be protected from discrimination. Additionally, each citizen must be able to participate in government, which includes the right to vote. The Act aimed to eliminate racial discrimination in voting and ensure equal voting power in federal elections.

3. Your answer is correct. The condition that enabled the virtual enslavement of Asian Americans in the late 19th century was the distinction between the rights of citizens and non-citizens. Asian immigrants, including Chinese laborers, were often denied citizenship and subjected to discriminatory laws and practices that limited their rights and resulted in exploitative working conditions. This included laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which specifically targeted Chinese immigrants and denied them citizenship and many basic rights.

I don't agree with all of the test answers. That's why it's so important to choose the answers supported by your text.

1. A - yes

2. A, C -- yes -- plus two more
3. C - yes