what is this progressive idea to reform city government consisted of citizens elected by voters in order to run the affairs of a city?

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The progressive idea you are referring to is known as the "commission government." It was a reform movement that emerged during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. The commission government model aimed to address corruption and inefficiency by replacing traditional city governments with a commission of elected officials.

To understand how the commission government worked, it's important to consider the following steps:

1. Research the Progressive Era: The commission government was a product of the Progressive Era, a period of wide-ranging social and political reform in the early 20th century. Understanding the context and goals of the Progressive Era will provide a deeper understanding of the commission government's purpose.

2. Investigate Municipal Reform Movements: The commission government was one of the many municipal reform movements that emerged during this time. Exploring these reform movements will help in understanding the broader context of reform efforts and the various ideas that influenced the commission government's development.

3. Identify Key Figures: Several influential individuals played a role in promoting the commission government model. Notable figures include Tom Johnson, the mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, and Samuel "Golden Rule" Jones, the mayor of Toledo, Ohio. Researching their ideas and actions can provide insights into the thinking behind the commission government.

4. Study the Galveston Model: The commission government model gained popularity after its successful implementation in Galveston, Texas, following the devastating hurricane of 1900. Known as the "Galveston Plan," it involved replacing the traditional mayor-council system with a commission of elected officials who oversaw different aspects of city administration. The Galveston Plan can serve as a case study for understanding the practical workings and intended benefits of the commission government.

5. Explore Variations of the Commission Government: While the Galveston Plan served as a blueprint, different cities implemented variations of the commission government model. Some commission governments had a small number of commissioners, while others had larger commissions. They also varied in terms of the specific powers and responsibilities assigned to commissioners. Researching different iterations of the commission government will provide a comprehensive understanding of the model's implementation and impact.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the progressive idea of a commission government and its goals of reforming city governance through elected citizen officials.