What are the age requirements for a person to be competent?

I've known 12-years who are more competent in some things than many adults. People who are 16 are allowed to drive; 18-year-olds can vote; 21-year-olds have full legal status. A Time magazine article pointed out a few years ago that most people's brains don't fully mature until they're about 25.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is a most interesting site on competency during various ages:


The age requirements for a person to be considered competent can vary depending on the specific context or situation. Competence is generally associated with the ability to make informed decisions, understand consequences, and take responsibility for one's actions. However, different societies and legal systems have their own criteria for determining competence in different areas.

For example, in many countries, the age of consent for sexual activities is typically around 16 to 18 years old, indicating that individuals of this age are considered competent to make decisions about their own sexual activities. Similarly, the legal drinking age in many countries is set at 18 or 21, suggesting that individuals of this age are considered competent to make responsible choices regarding alcohol consumption.

It is important to note that competence is not solely determined by age. As you mentioned, there can be significant individual variation in competence regardless of age. Some individuals may demonstrate a higher level of competence in certain areas at a younger age, while others may take longer to reach the same level of competence.

Ultimately, the determination of competence in specific contexts is often made by the relevant authorities or legal systems in place.