Give me an example for International System of Units (SI)

I drove down the road at 86 km/h

Billy weight 75 kg
and he is 185 cm tall

Today temperature was 28° C

Sure! An example of a unit from the International System of Units (SI) is the meter. The meter is used to measure length or distance. It can be used to measure anything from the length of a room to the distance between two cities.

To understand how the meter is defined in the SI, we can break it down. The meter is defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. This means that the speed of light is a constant value, and the meter is based on that constant.

To measure something using a meter, you would typically use a ruler or a measuring tape. You would line up the beginning of the ruler with the starting point of what you are measuring, and then look at the measurement on the ruler where the object ends.

It's important to remember that the SI system is a decimal-based system, meaning that it uses a base of ten. This makes it easy to convert between different units within the SI system. For example, if you wanted to convert meters to centimeters, you would multiply the number of meters by 100, since there are 100 centimeters in a meter.

Overall, the meter is a fundamental unit in the SI system and is used to measure length or distance in a wide range of applications.