Which sentence pattern describes the sentence below?

Hybrids produce less pollution thanconvention cars.
a. S-V-O
b. S-V-IO ****
c. S-V-N
d. S-V-A

The sentence pattern that describes the sentence "Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars" is b. S-V-IO.

The sentence pattern that describes the sentence "Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars" is b. S-V-IO.

To determine the sentence pattern, it is helpful to break down the sentence into its basic components:
- "Hybrids" is the subject (S) of the sentence.
- "produce" is the main verb (V).
- "less pollution" is the direct object (DO) of the verb "produce."
- "than conventional cars" is a prepositional phrase that functions as the indirect object (IO) of the verb "produce."

In sentence pattern b. S-V-IO, the subject (S) performs the action expressed by the verb (V) with an indirect object (IO) receiving the action. In this case, "Hybrids" (S) produce (V) less pollution (IO).

Therefore, the sentence pattern that describes the sentence is b. S-V-IO.


Please use this website -- http://www.chompchomp.com/terms.htm -- to learn how to recognize different types of verbs and objects.