Which sentence pattern describes the sentencebelow?

Global warming is a real threat to the planet.
a. S-V-O ****
b. S-V-I-O
c. S-V-N
d. S-V-A


The sentence pattern that describes the sentence "Global warming is a real threat to the planet" is S-V-N, option c.

Here's how to understand and identify the sentence pattern:

1. S-V-O (Subject-Verb-Object): This pattern is used for sentences where the subject performs an action on the object. For example, "She ate an apple." In the given sentence, "Global warming is a real threat to the planet," there is no direct object receiving the action of the verb "is," so it doesn't fit this pattern.

2. S-V-I-O (Subject-Verb-Indirect Object-Direct Object): This pattern is used for sentences where the subject performs an action on both an indirect object and a direct object. For example, "He gave her a book." In the given sentence, there are no indirect or direct objects related to the action of the verb "is," so it doesn't fit this pattern.

3. S-V-N (Subject-Verb-Noun): This pattern is used for sentences where the subject and verb are followed by a noun that further describes or renames the subject. In the given sentence, "Global warming" is the subject, "is" is the verb, and "a real threat to the planet" is a noun phrase that renames or describes the subject. Therefore, it fits the S-V-N pattern.

4. S-V-A (Subject-Verb-Adjective): This pattern is used for sentences where the subject and verb are followed by an adjective that describes the subject. For example, "She is happy." In the given sentence, there is no adjective following the verb "is," so it doesn't fit this pattern.

Therefore, the correct sentence pattern for the sentence "Global warming is a real threat to the planet" is S-V-N.


Check on the type of verb. Is it an action verb or a linking verb. Which pattern(s) can fit each type of verb?


I've checked two of your answers for this question. Please don't post about it again.