How many beats are in one measure of 6/4 ?

I think 6 because top number top number equals beat

Thank you

The answer is 6 because the top number is how many beats are in a measure

To determine the number of beats in one measure of 6/4 time signature, you are correct that the top number represents the number of beats per measure. Therefore, in 6/4 time signature, there are indeed 6 beats in one measure.

However, it's also worth mentioning the concept of note values. In music notation, different types of notes can represent different lengths of time. The bottom number of a time signature indicates which note value is assigned to each beat.

In this case, the bottom number is 4, which means that a quarter note (also called a crotchet) gets one beat. Therefore, in 6/4 time, you will have six quarter note beats in each measure.

To summarize, in one measure of 6/4 time signature, there are 6 beats, with each beat being equal to a quarter note.