a) Using the defined freezing and boiling points of water, make a plot of degrees Fahrenheit versus degree Celsius on the graph paper provider.

Someone please post a serious answer. I hate sites like this where no one posts. Some of us are trying to cheat our way through college.

To make a plot of degrees Fahrenheit versus degrees Celsius using the defined freezing and boiling points of water, you will need a graph paper. Here is how you can do it:

1. Obtain a graph paper: Find a piece of graph paper or use an online graphing tool that allows you to plot points.

2. Create the axes: Draw two perpendicular lines intersecting at the origin to form the x-axis (degrees Fahrenheit) and y-axis (degrees Celsius).

3. Label the axes: On the x-axis, label the intervals for degrees Fahrenheit. Start from the freezing point of water, which is 32°F, and label subsequent points based on the desired scale (for example, every 10°F). On the y-axis, label the intervals for degrees Celsius. Start from the freezing point of water, which is 0°C, and label subsequent points based on the desired scale (for example, every 10°C).

4. Plot the points: Using the defined freezing and boiling points of water, plot the corresponding points on the graph. For water, the freezing point is 32°F and 0°C, and the boiling point is 212°F and 100°C. Plot these two points on the graph paper, connecting them with a straight line.

5. Extend the line: To complete the plot, extend the straight line connecting the freezing and boiling points of water in both directions. This line represents the relationship between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius for temperatures beyond freezing and boiling points.

6. Add a title and labels: Write a title for the graph, such as "Degrees Fahrenheit vs. Degrees Celsius." Also, label the x-axis as "Degrees Fahrenheit" and the y-axis as "Degrees Celsius."

7. Optional: Add gridlines: If desired, you can add gridlines to the graph paper to make it easier to read and interpret the plot.

By following these steps, you can create a plot of degrees Fahrenheit versus degrees Celsius using the freezing and boiling points of water.

32 deg F = 0 deg C

212 deg F = 100 deg C
straight line between and beyond those two points but not below -273 C

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