Who was in charge of the patriots and the loyalist in the battle of kettle creek?

A: James Boyd and Andrew Pickens?
Who won the battle?
A: The Partiots?

You're right. Be sure you indicate who was in charge of which force.


Yes, you are correct. James Boyd and Andrew Pickens were the leaders in charge of the Patriots during the Battle of Kettle Creek.

To find out who was in charge of the Patriots and the Loyalists in the Battle of Kettle Creek, you can start by researching the historical records and accounts of the battle. A good place to start would be to search for reputable historical sources, such as books and articles, that focus on the American Revolutionary War and specifically the Battle of Kettle Creek. These sources may provide information about the leaders and commanders on both sides of the conflict.

Additionally, you can also consult primary sources like letters, diaries, and official reports from the time period, as they may contain firsthand accounts or mentions of the individuals who were in charge. These primary sources can be found in historical archives, libraries, and online databases that specialize in American history.

As for the outcome of the Battle of Kettle Creek, you are correct again. The Patriots were victorious in this battle. The American Patriots, led by James Boyd and Andrew Pickens, successfully defeated a smaller force of Loyalists on February 14, 1779, near present-day Washington, Georgia. The Patriots' victory at Kettle Creek boosted morale among the local revolutionary forces and disrupted Loyalist support in the area.