A school has 625 students and 325 of them are girls. What fraction of them are girls. I'm thinking 1/2

its 13/25 hope this helped let me know if it was correct or not :3

No one can give the answers to the for the whole units test (from connexus academy). The answers they put here is from the order there question are sorted as, so "GET YO ANSWERS" isn't wrong for "his" test. For these unit test, they switch the answers up for each student so they won’t copy the answers and cheat from here ;/

those are not the same multiple choices answers... do you have anything for Lesson 12: Exponents, Factors, and Fractions Unit Test

Is chicken nugget correct

what r the answers to the whole test

Btw i don’t think it’s 1/2..

Chicken nugget is correct. I just googled 325/625 in simplest form.

The answer to your question would be letter A. 13/25

Keep in mind these questions do change and not everyone has the same answers! ^^

HE IS WRONG GUYS I GOT A 60 BRO GIVE THE ANSWERS FOR Exponents, Factors, and Fractions Unit Test

Which statement is true?

35/30 < 22/12
Write the exponent using an exponent. 4x4x4x4x4x4
4^2 - (2 • 2^4)
46 • 2^3 - 3 • 2^3
Write 1,840 in scientific notation
1.84 x 10^3
Write 1.08 x 10^4 in standard form
Find the Lcm of 25 and 20
Tell which number is prime: 15,24,41,62
41 is prime
Find the GCF of 48 and 30
the gcf is 6
Find the missing number
42/90 = ?/15
the missing number is 7
Match each point with one of the following fractions 3/4 , 1/4 , 7/16 , 5/8
A = 1/4 , B = 7/16 , C = 5/8 , D = 3/4
Write 6 4/7 as an improper fraction
Write a mixed number and an improper fraction for the model below.
3 2/3 ; 11/3
Match each point with one of the following rational numbers :
A = -0.7 , B = -9/16 , C = -0.4 , D = -5/16
A class is selling magazines as a fundraiser. Of the 200 magazines, Ananda sold 1/8 of them. Gina sold 0.065 of them. Ben sold 3/100 of them. Fatima sold 0.105 of the magazines. Who sold the most? Ananda
Find the digit that makes 2,72_ divisible by 6.
Which of these numbers are divisible by 9?
9,180 and 4,932
Test 59,859 for divisibility by 2,3,5,9 or 10.
It is divisible by 3 and 9.
A school has 625 students and 325 of them are girls. What fraction represents the girls in simplest form?
Write 32/10 as a whole or mixed number in simplest form 3 1/5
Write 5/16 as a decimal 0.3125
Frank has a batting average of .310. Write this decimal as a fraction in simplest form.
The local readers club has a set of 64 hardback books and a set of 24 paperbacks. Each set can be divided equally among the club members. What is the greatest possible number of club members?
Do 25 and 26 on your own. I am NOT responsible IF you get caught cheating and i am NOT responsible if your questions and answers aren’t the same as mine. These are the questions and under the questions are the correct answers.