Before 1720, what was the difference in the relationships between the Spanish and the Apache compared to the Spanish and Hasinai?

A. The Spanish made peace with both the Apache and the Hasinai.
B. The Spanish had a working relationship with the Hasinai while the Apache continued to distrust and often attack them.
C. The Spanish were attacked often by the Hasinai but had a pleasant relationship with the Apache.
D. The Spanish were unable to create a positive relationship with either the Hasinai or the Apache.

the correct answers to the assessment are

1. A,B,and C
2. is B
3. is A
i got a 100

Its Correct for Connexus. Thank you. <3

Correct answers only is correct

I found two sites useful in finding my answer. My answer is A; The Spanish made peace with both the Apache and the Hasinai. Am I correct?

I'm looking at the next question and I realize I am wrong. I changed my answer to B; The Spanish had a working relationship with the Hasinai while the Apache continued to distrust and often attack them.

I finished the questions and got them all right. I don't mean for this to sound rude but you weren't of much help. You did help me by giving an idea of what to search for in Google, but that's it. Thank you anyway for trying to help! <3

To determine the difference in the relationships between the Spanish and the Apache compared to the Spanish and the Hasinai before 1720, we need to analyze the options provided:

A. The Spanish made peace with both the Apache and the Hasinai.
B. The Spanish had a working relationship with the Hasinai while the Apache continued to distrust and often attack them.
C. The Spanish were attacked often by the Hasinai but had a pleasant relationship with the Apache.
D. The Spanish were unable to create a positive relationship with either the Hasinai or the Apache.

To find the correct answer, we can eliminate options based on historical knowledge and logic. The answer can be found by studying historical records, accounts, and events during that time period. We need to analyze the interactions between the Spanish, the Apache, and the Hasinai.

In option A, it states that the Spanish made peace with both the Apache and the Hasinai. This option suggests a positive relationship with both groups. However, this is not historically accurate, as conflicts and distrust existed between the Spanish and the Apache.

Option B states that the Spanish had a working relationship with the Hasinai while the Apache continued to distrust and often attack them. This option aligns with historical accounts. The Spanish did establish alliances and had a working relationship with some Native American tribes, such as the Hasinai, while facing hostility and attacks from other tribes, like the Apache.

Option C suggests that the Spanish were often attacked by the Hasinai but had a pleasant relationship with the Apache. This option is unsupported by historical records. The Spanish faced resistance and attacks from various Native American tribes, including the Apache.

Option D implies that the Spanish were unable to create a positive relationship with either the Hasinai or the Apache. This option does not accurately reflect the historical record. Although the Spanish faced challenges and conflicts, they did establish alliances and working relationships with certain tribes, such as the Hasinai.

Based on the analysis, option B is the most accurate answer. The Spanish had a working relationship with the Hasinai while the Apache continued to distrust and often attack them.

Read lots and let us know what you decide.

So ... you first posted last night around 9 pm EDT, and you expected responses after 19 hours? Now your question has dropped to page 2 and will be on page 3 soon. The only reason I saw your replies was because I was looking for another student's post.
