What is the sum of 5-6 + 2-3?

5-6 + 2-3?

5 - 6 = -1
2 - 3 = -1

-1 + -1 = -2

ok but what we supposed to do with that

yall trippin here the dipping sauce

To find the sum of 5 - 6 + 2 - 3, we need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

In this case, we only have addition and subtraction. So, we'll start by combining the terms from left to right.

First, we have 5 - 6, which equals -1.

Next, we have -1 + 2, which equals 1.

Finally, we have 1 - 3, which equals -2.

Therefore, the sum of 5 - 6 + 2 - 3 is -2.