
has 12 coins. One- quarter are dimes the and a one half of a quarters and the rest are Penney. what is the value of tamara money

To find the value of Tamara's money, we need to know the value of each type of coin. Let's break down the information given step-by-step:

1. Tamara has 12 coins.
2. One-quarter of the coins are dimes.
3. One-half of the coins are quarters.
4. The rest of the coins are pennies.

Step 1: Determine the number of dimes:
We know that one-quarter of the coins are dimes. Therefore, the number of dimes is 12 coins * 1/4 = 3 coins.

Step 2: Determine the number of quarters:
We know that one-half of the coins are quarters. Therefore, the number of quarters is 12 coins * 1/2 = 6 coins.

Step 3: Determine the number of pennies:
We can calculate the number of pennies by subtracting the number of dimes and quarters from the total number of coins:
Number of pennies = Total number of coins - Number of dimes - Number of quarters
Number of pennies = 12 coins - 3 coins - 6 coins = 3 coins.

Step 4: Determine the value of each coin:
- A dime is worth $0.10.
- A quarter is worth $0.25.
- A penny is worth $0.01.

Step 5: Calculate the total value of Tamara's money:
Total value = (number of dimes * value of dime) + (number of quarters * value of quarter) + (number of pennies * value of penny)
Total value = (3 coins * $0.10) + (6 coins * $0.25) + (3 coins * $0.01)
Total value = $0.30 + $1.50 + $0.03
Total value = $1.83

Therefore, the value of Tamara's money is $1.83.

To determine the value of Tamara's money, we need to know the values of each type of coin. Since it is not provided in the question, we can assume the following values:

- A quarter is worth 25 cents.
- A dime is worth 10 cents.
- A penny is worth 1 cent.

Now, let's calculate the number of each coin Tamara has:

- One-quarter of the coins are dimes: 1/4 * 12 = 3 coins (dimes).
- One-half of a quarter: 1/2 * 12 = 6 coins.
- The rest are pennies: 12 - 3 - 6 = 3 coins.

Now let's calculate the value of each type of coin and add them up:

- Dimes: 3 * 10 = 30 cents.
- Quarters: 6 * 25 = 150 cents.
- Pennies: 3 * 1 = 3 cents.

Finally, let's sum up the values of all the coins:

30 cents (dimes) + 150 cents (quarters) + 3 cents (pennies) = 183 cents.

Therefore, Tamara's money has a total value of 183 cents.

I got as far as one quarter are dimes, So she has 3 dimes (30 cents).

Please clarify this statement " the and a one half of a quarters."