Find two numbers the exact answer is between. 4×94

To find two numbers between which the exact answer of 4 multiplied by 94 lies, we can calculate the result:

4 x 94 = 376

Since we're looking for two numbers between which the exact answer lies, we can choose two consecutive numbers that are both smaller and larger than the result:

Smaller number: 375
Larger number: 377

Therefore, the exact answer of 4 multiplied by 94 lies between 375 and 377.

To find two numbers between which the exact answer of the expression 4 × 94 lies, we can calculate the result of the expression and then choose two numbers that surround it. Let's calculate:

4 × 94 = 376

Now we can choose two numbers that surround 376. We'll choose one number that is smaller than 376 and another number that is larger. For instance, we can select 370 (10 units lower than 376) and 380 (10 units higher than 376). Thus, the exact answer of the expression 4 × 94 lies between 370 and 380.

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