So I have to do a art project where I have to create a painting or drawing that has a story in it. What should I draw/paint? Any ideas?

Certainly! Coming up with ideas for a storytelling art project can be exciting and limitless. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you generate ideas for your painting or drawing:

1. Reflect on personal experiences: Think about significant events, memories, or emotions from your own life that can be visually represented. It could be a trip, a pivotal moment, or a personal achievement.

2. Explore literature or mythology: Look into books, folklore, or mythology for stories that resonate with you. These narratives often have rich characters, memorable scenes, and symbolic elements that can inspire your artwork.

3. Focus on meaningful themes: Consider universal themes such as love, growth, transformation, or overcoming obstacles. Think about how you could visually interpret these themes and create a narrative around them.

4. Research historical events: Research historical events, cultural phenomena, or social movements that interest you. You can find inspiration from specific moments in history and explore the stories of individuals or communities affected by them.

5. Play with symbolism: Select symbolic elements that convey a particular message or evoke emotions. Symbolism can often enhance the storytelling aspect of your artwork and add depth to your composition.

6. Engage in personal introspection: Take some time to reflect on your own thoughts, beliefs, dreams, or fears. Channeling your inner thoughts and emotions into your artwork can create a powerful and deeply personal narrative.

Remember, art is a personal expression of creativity, so choose a subject that intrigues you and allows you to tell a story that resonates with you on a deeper level.