I have to do a project and I can't get motivated to start!! I want a good grade, but I don't know how to convince myself to get started!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Sometimes motivation just doesn't come. You can't wait until you feel like doing it. I urge you to start your project immediately after you read this post. Do something to get started! Just tell your tell your self that you WILL spend at least an hour of concentrated time on the project this evening. At the end of that hour, assess what you've accomplished and plan for your next steps in the project.

thnks!!! I'll try that.....I really hope it works!!!!

Good luck! :-)

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Right on! First you select a topic, then you do the research. Organization is the key to success. When you write your project (if that is what you are to do) be sure you can at least leave it for 24 hours to critique and proofread it!

As with anything written or oral, carefully word your thesis statement and follow the rules of standard English.

Here are some steps you can take to get motivated and start your project:

1. Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve with your project and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. This will make it easier to start and track your progress.

2. Create a schedule: Set aside specific time slots dedicated to working on your project. Treat it as you would any other important appointment or commitment.

3. Eliminate distractions: Find a quiet and comfortable working environment that is free from distractions like your phone, social media, or television. It's important to focus your attention solely on your project during your dedicated work time.

4. Just start: If you're struggling to get motivated, sometimes the best approach is to simply get started. Begin with a smaller, easier task from your project to gain momentum and build confidence. Once you overcome the initial hurdle of starting, it becomes easier to continue working.

5. Find inspiration: Seek out inspiration for your project by researching related topics, looking at examples, or talking to others who have completed similar projects. This can help spark creativity and motivate you to start.

6. Break it down: If the project feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. Focus on completing one section at a time rather than looking at the project as a whole. Celebrate each completed section as a milestone towards your final goal.

7. Think about the end result: Imagine how good it will feel to complete the project and achieve a good grade. Visualize the sense of accomplishment and use that as motivation to get started.

Remember, motivation may not come automatically, but by taking small steps and maintaining a focused mindset, you can get started on your project and increase your chances of success. Good luck!