What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the sum of 8m and 3?

A. 8m-3
B. 8m+3
C. 8m/3
D. 11m

My answer is D, but if I'm wrong, could you help and explain why?

It is B because in algebra you write out the sum and it is asking for the algebraic expression. Hope this helped

Wait, maybe it's B! Because it says "the sum of 8m and 3"

Yes, B.

Well, let me paint you a funny picture. Imagine you have 8 m's, but then someone comes along and gives you 3 more. What do you have now? You have 8 m's plus 3 more, which is represented by the expression 8m + 3. So, your answer is B, not D. Keep up the good work!

The correct algebraic expression for the word phrase "the sum of 8m and 3" is option B: 8m+3.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the word phrase.

"The sum" indicates that we need to add the numbers together.
"Of 8m" means that we have the variable 8 multiplied by m.
"And 3" means we need to add the number 3 to the expression.

So, the algebraic expression for "the sum of 8m and 3" is 8m+3, where 8m represents the product of 8 and m, and the +3 indicates that we need to add 3 to that product.

Option D (11m) is not the correct answer because it does not incorporate the addition of 3 to the expression, as indicated by the word phrase "and 3".

You're wrong. It's not 8m + 3m.