why is the weather important in the exposition of stray

i ask this question Which of the following are characteristics of Homo sapiens?

Please explain "exposition of stray."


Did you expect us to read your mind? You haven't posted "the following."

why is the weather important in the exposition of stray? Select all that apply

A. Mr lacey can take the dog to the pound
B. The laceys cannot use their phone to find out who abandoned the dog
C. The puppy needs help to survive in the snow
D. The puppy has lost its way in the snow

im not really sure sorry if im wrong but i think C. and D.

The weather is important in the exposition of the story "Stray" because it serves as a literary device to create the mood and atmosphere of the setting. It can also symbolize or foreshadow events or emotions that will occur throughout the narrative.

To analyze the significance of the weather in the exposition of "Stray," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text: Start by reading the introductory part of the story, paying attention to any references to the weather or the natural surroundings.

2. Identify the weather descriptions: Look for specific words or phrases used to describe the weather. Note whether it is sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, or foggy.

3. Observe the impact on the setting: Analyze how the weather affects the overall atmosphere in the narrative. For example, a sunny day might create a cheerful or optimistic mood, while a stormy day can create a sense of tension or darkness.

4. Look for symbolism or foreshadowing: Consider whether the weather descriptions could have deeper meanings or symbolize something related to the plot or characters. For instance, a gloomy and stormy day could foreshadow a conflict or tragedy that occurs later.

5. Consider the emotional effect: Reflect on how the weather descriptions make you feel as a reader. Does it create a certain mood or evoke a particular emotion? This can contribute to the exposition's impact and pull readers into the story.

By carefully examining the weather in the exposition of "Stray," you will gain insight into the author's intentions and gain a deeper understanding of the story's themes and atmosphere.