Which objects will sink or float if the density of pure water is1/gm or 1gm/cm3. The following of the following objects will sink or float if the mass, volume, and density of the objects are:

Small sized block : mass=4.5 grams, volume=2.744 cm3, density: 1.63
Large block: mass=8.8 g, volume=8, Density=1.1
Clothespin: mass=4.5 g, volume=10mL, density:0.4
Copper Stone: mass=4.0 grams, volume=1mL, density=4
Large Nut: mass: 15.8 grams, volume=2mL, density: 7.9
Please help. Thanks

Small sized block : mass=4.5 grams, volume=2.744 cm3, density: 1.63 sink

Large block: mass=8.8 g, volume=8, Density=1.1sink
Clothespin: mass=4.5 g, volume=10mL, density:0.4 float
Copper Stone: mass=4.0 grams, volume=1mL, density=4sink
Large Nut: mass: 15.8 grams, volume=2mL, density: 7.9 sink

Thank you bobpursley

To determine whether an object will sink or float in water, we compare the density of the object to the density of water. If the density of the object is greater than the density of water (1 g/cm3 or 1 g/mL), then the object will sink. If the density of the object is less than the density of water, then the object will float.

Let's analyze each object:

1. Small-sized block:
Density = mass/volume = 4.5 g / 2.744 cm3 ≈ 1.64 g/cm3
Since the density of the small-sized block is slightly greater than the density of water, it will sink.

2. Large block:
Density = mass/volume = 8.8 g / 8 cm3 = 1.1 g/cm3
Since the density of the large block is equal to the density of water, it will float.

3. Clothespin:
Density = mass/volume = 4.5 g / 10 mL = 0.45 g/mL
Since the density of the clothespin is less than the density of water, it will float.

4. Copper Stone:
Density = mass/volume = 4.0 g / 1 mL = 4 g/mL
Since the density of the copper stone is greater than the density of water, it will sink.

5. Large Nut:
Density = mass/volume = 15.8 g / 2 mL = 7.9 g/mL
Since the density of the large nut is equal to the density of water, it will float.

So, to summarize:
- The small-sized block, copper stone, and the large nut will sink.
- The large block and clothespin will float.

To determine whether an object will sink or float in water, we need to compare the density of the object with the density of water.

The density of water is 1 g/cm³ or 1 g/mL.

If the density of an object is greater than 1 g/cm³ or 1 g/mL, it will sink in water. If the density of an object is less than 1 g/cm³ or 1 g/mL, it will float in water.

Now let's calculate the densities of the given objects and determine if they will sink or float:

1. Small sized block:
Density = mass / volume = 4.5 g / 2.744 cm³ = 1.64 g/cm³
Since the density of the small sized block is greater than the density of water, it will sink.

2. Large block:
Density = mass / volume = 8.8 g / 8 cm³ = 1.1 g/cm³
Since the density of the large block is equal to the density of water, it will neither sink nor float. It will be neutrally buoyant in water.

3. Clothespin:
Density = mass / volume = 4.5 g / 10 mL = 0.45 g/mL
Since the density of the clothespin is less than the density of water, it will float.

4. Copper Stone:
Density = mass / volume = 4.0 g / 1 mL = 4 g/mL
Since the density of the copper stone is greater than the density of water, it will sink.

5. Large Nut:
Density = mass / volume = 15.8 g / 2 mL = 7.9 g/mL
Since the density of the large nut is greater than the density of water, it will sink.

Based on the calculations, the objects that will sink in water are the small sized block, the copper stone, and the large nut. The objects that will float in water are the clothespin. The large block will neither sink nor float; it will be neutrally buoyant in water.