I'm writing a 3 page essay Now my first page is complete and I'm talking about how everyone loves the internet/technology so much and depends on it and how the internet makes everything so convenient and easy, now how can I make a transition paragraph so I can start talking about the next thing? After the transition paragraph I think I want to start with defining social media, and then I'll start talking about all of the apps. but how can I make this flow into how many jobs or careers the internet has created?? Or should the Job part start at the beginning of the second page? Im trying to stay in order and on topic

#1. You will not be talking. You will be writing. Big difference.

#2. Where is your outline with thesis statement for this? Please include it, so we can tell what you intend to prove and how you intend to prove it.

My Thesis Statement outline basically says Social media has helped the economy by adding millions of jobs and billions of dollars per year.

I want my paper to convince people that social media is the greatest thing ever because it has created jobs

Thesis statement: Social media has helped the economy by adding millions of jobs and billions of dollars per year.

That's a good one. This sentence should appear at the end of your introduction. It needs to lead into the first main point you make to PROVE your thesis is true.

Now -- where's the outline you developed.


To make a smooth transition from discussing the convenience and popularity of the internet, you can build a bridge paragraph that leads into the topic of social media and its impact. Here's a possible approach:

Transition Paragraph:
"While the convenience and prevalence of the internet have undeniably transformed our lives, one aspect that stands out is the rise of social media. Defined as the various online platforms and applications that enable users to create and share content, social media has become an integral part of our digital landscape. From connecting with friends and family to exploring communities of shared interests, social media platforms have fostered a new era of communication and interaction."

After this transition, you can delve into the definition and significance of social media, followed by discussing specific social media apps and their impact.

As for the discussion on the jobs and careers created by the internet, it can be a separate section or integrated within the larger topic of the internet's influence on society. Depending on the level of detail and emphasis you want to give, you can either introduce it in the transition paragraph mentioned above or start this topic on the second page with a new paragraph.

Remember, the key is to maintain a logical flow and ensure that each paragraph connects smoothly to the preceding and following ones, keeping your essay well-structured and on topic.