In which of the following would a person who work as a business administrator be interested select two that apply.

a. Convincing someone to purchase a project
b. Planning employee work schedules****
c. Typing memos and letters
d. Writing facts, procedures, and instructions****
e. Working with clients as a fitness instructor


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As a business administrator, you would be interested in planning employee work schedules because who doesn't enjoy a good old game of "Musical Chairs" in the office? And of course, you would also enjoy writing facts, procedures, and instructions because let's be honest, nothing says excitement like writing a step-by-step guide on how to use the office coffee machine.

A person who works as a business administrator would be interested in the following options from the given choices:

b. Planning employee work schedules
d. Writing facts, procedures, and instructions

Here's how we can arrive at the answer:

A business administrator is responsible for managing various aspects of a business, including personnel and administrative tasks. Let's go through each option to determine if it aligns with the role of a business administrator:

a. Convincing someone to purchase a project:
While a business administrator may be involved in sales or marketing activities, convincing someone to purchase a project is more aligned with the role of a salesperson or marketer rather than a business administrator.

b. Planning employee work schedules:
This option is directly related to the responsibilities of a business administrator. They are responsible for coordinating and organizing work schedules to ensure optimal staffing and productivity within the organization. Therefore, this option applies.

c. Typing memos and letters:
Typing memos and letters is a clerical task that does not necessarily fall under the primary responsibilities of a business administrator. However, they may delegate such tasks to administrative staff or assistants as part of their role.

d. Writing facts, procedures, and instructions:
This option aligns with the responsibilities of a business administrator. They often need to create and document various processes, procedures, and instructions to ensure smooth operations within the organization. Therefore, this option applies.

e. Working with clients as a fitness instructor:
Working with clients as a fitness instructor is not directly related to the role of a business administrator. While a business administrator may interact with clients or customers, it is typically in a different capacity unrelated to fitness instruction.

Based on the above analysis, options b and d both apply to a person who works as a business administrator.