The​ formula, Modifying Upper C with underline urrent ratioequalsStartFraction current Modifying Upper A with underline ssets Over current Modifying Upper L with underline iabilities EndFraction

is used to find the current financial nbspratio. The ratio is used to evaluate the performance of a business. The formula can be written in symbols as Upper C equals StartFraction Upper A Over Upper L EndFraction
. Solve the formula for Upper A.
Upper Aequals

how about some math notation?

All that verbosity doesn't parse well.

To solve the formula for Upper A, we need to isolate the variable Upper A on one side of the equation.

The formula given is:
Upper C = (Upper A / Upper L)

To solve for Upper A, we need to remove the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by Upper L:
Upper C * Upper L = Upper A

Therefore, the formula for Upper A is:
Upper A = Upper C * Upper L