Determine the kinetic energy required to throw a 500g ball vertically to a height of 9.20m?

At 9.20m, all of the kinetic energy will be potential energy, so just calculate the potential energy at the 9.20m mark.

P.E.=mgh=(0.500kg)(9.8m/s^2)(9.20m)=K.E.@ 9.20m

what if it had to be answered in J?

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a geiger measures radioactivity by detecting what:

a)ions produced

If a swimmer completes the length of a 50 m Olympic Pool in 25.0 s then it means that the swimmer:

a) maintained a constant speed of 2.0 ms-1. -1
b) probably swam with a speed greater than 2.0 ms during the first 25 m.
c) had an average speed of 2.0 ms-1. -1
d) maintained a constant velocity of 2.0 ms for all of the swim.

To determine the kinetic energy required to throw a ball vertically to a certain height, we need to consider the conservation of energy. The initial potential energy required to lift the ball to a certain height will be equal to the final kinetic energy it possesses when it reaches that height.

The potential energy (PE) of an object near the Earth's surface is given by the equation:

PE = m * g * h

m is the mass of the object
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2 near the Earth's surface)
h is the height

In this case, the mass of the ball (m) is 500 grams, which is equivalent to 0.5 kg, and the height (h) is 9.20 m.

So, the potential energy (PE) of the ball when it is lifted to a height of 9.20 m is:

PE = 0.5 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 9.20 m
= 45.08 Joules

According to the conservation of energy, this potential energy will be converted entirely into kinetic energy (KE) when the ball reaches its highest point.

Therefore, the kinetic energy (KE) required to throw the 500g ball vertically to a height of 9.20m is also:

KE = 45.08 Joules.