Change the noun in () to the correct possessive form.

1. two (teachers) cars
2. Mrs. (Rubin) camera
3. (Arkansas) capital
4. the (children) mittens
5. the (Sanchezes) horse
6. three (months) delay
7. a (moment) notice
8. two (deer) tracks
9. (Darnell) hobbies
10. both (attorneys) arguments

1. teachers'
2. Rubin's
3. Arkansas's
4. children's
5. Sanchezes'
6. months'
7. moment's
8. deer's
9. Darnell's
10. attorneys'

All of your answers are right.

To change a noun to its correct possessive form, you generally add an apostrophe (') followed by an "s" to the noun. Here's how you can get the answers:

1. two (teachers) cars
To make "teachers" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: teachers'
Answer: teachers'

2. Mrs. (Rubin) camera
To make "Rubin" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: Rubin's
Answer: Rubin's

3. (Arkansas) capital
To make "Arkansas" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: Arkansas's
Answer: Arkansas's

4. the (children) mittens
To make "children" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: children's
Answer: children's

5. the (Sanchezes) horse
To make "Sanchezes" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: Sanchezes'
Answer: Sanchezes'

6. three (months) delay
To make "months" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: months'
Answer: months'

7. a (moment) notice
To make "moment" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: moment's
Answer: moment's

8. two (deer) tracks
To make "deer" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: deer's
Answer: deer's

9. (Darnell) hobbies
To make "Darnell" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: Darnell's
Answer: Darnell's

10. both (attorneys) arguments
To make "attorneys" possessive, you add an apostrophe and an "s" at the end: attorneys'
Answer: attorneys'