6 lumberjacks can cut down 15 mahogany trees in 2 hours. How much longer will it take 8 lumberjacks to cut down 35 trees working at the same rate

15 trees take 12 man-hours, so

35 trees take 35/15 * 12 = 28 man-hours, or 7/2 hours for 8 men

Plz Steve I don't understand this plz can anybody help it's urgent

6 lumberjacks can cut down 15trees/2hrs = 7.5 trees/hr.

35trees * 1hr/7.5trees * 6/8 = 3.5 hrs. = Time for 8 men to cut down 35 trees.
3.5-2 = 1.5 hrs. longer.

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion using the concept of work rates. The work rate is the amount of work done per unit of time.

In this case, we know that 6 lumberjacks can cut down 15 trees in 2 hours. So, we can say that the work rate of 6 lumberjacks is (15 trees) / (2 hours) = 7.5 trees/hour.

Now, we need to find out how long it will take 8 lumberjacks to cut down 35 trees at the same rate. Let's represent the unknown time as "t."

We can set up the proportion:

(6 lumberjacks) / (7.5 trees/hour) = (8 lumberjacks) / (35 trees/t)

To solve for "t," we can cross-multiply and solve for it:

(6 lumberjacks) * (35 trees/t) = (8 lumberjacks) * (7.5 trees/hour)

210 trees = 60 lumberjacks * t

Dividing both sides by 60 lumberjacks, we get:

t = 210 trees / 60 lumberjacks

Simplifying, we find:

t = 3.5 trees/lumberjack

Therefore, it will take 8 lumberjacks 3.5 hours to cut down 35 trees working at the same rate.