my homework assignment is to colour the tributary of the river tees but i am struggling. i don`t know where to colour.

please help

Several sources on the internet state that there are no important tributaries of the River Tees. Take a look at this map.

not much help but thanks for helping

Sure, I can help you with that! To determine where to color the tributary of the River Tees, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by finding a map of the River Tees and its tributaries. You can search for it online or use a geographical atlas or book.

2. Locate the main course of the River Tees on the map. The main river will be the largest and most prominent feature.

3. Look for smaller rivers or streams flowing into the River Tees. These are the tributaries you need to color.

4. Typically, tributaries will have their own names or labels on the map, which will help you identify them. They will be smaller in size compared to the main river.

5. Once you have identified the tributaries, use different colors to mark them on your map or drawing as instructed by your homework assignment.

If you're having trouble finding a map or identifying the tributaries, you can ask your teacher or classmates for assistance. Remember, it's important to do your best and ask for guidance when needed.