Write the rules for determining the sign of the product when multiplying integers. Then write the rules for Determining The sign of the quotient when dividing integers.

same rule for both. using ◦ for * or /,

(+)◦(+) = (-)◦(-) = +

The product will be the same

I like poms

To determine the sign of the product when multiplying integers, follow these rules:

1. If both integers have the same sign (either both positive or both negative), the product is positive.
Example: (+3) * (+2) = +6 or (-3) * (-2) = +6

2. If the integers have different signs (one positive and one negative), the product is negative.
Example: (+4) * (-2) = -8 or (-4) * (+2) = -8

Now, let's move on to the rules for determining the sign of the quotient when dividing integers:

1. If both integers have the same sign, the quotient is positive.
Example: (+8) / (+2) = +4 or (-8) / (-2) = +4

2. If the integers have different signs, the quotient is negative.
Example: (+6) / (-2) = -3 or (-6) / (+2) = -3

In summary, when multiplying integers, the sign of the product depends on whether the integers have the same or different signs. On the other hand, when dividing integers, the sign of the quotient also depends on whether the integers have the same or different signs.