
Between which two square roots of integers could you find this number?

8 and 7

square the number

then round up , and round down

ummmmmmmmmmmmm but you need to find what two square roots this number (e) is between, and i dont know how to do that. lol im dumb

To find between which two square roots of integers the number 2.7182818284 lies, we need to determine the square root of the number and then find the nearest smaller and larger integer values.

1. Calculate the square root of the given number:
√2.7182818284 ≈ 1.6487212707

2. Determine the nearest smaller integer value:
The nearest smaller integer value is 1.

3. Determine the nearest larger integer value:
The nearest larger integer value is 2.

Therefore, the number 2.7182818284 lies between the square roots of integers 1 and 2.


A famous math irrational number know as e you need to find a square root that is in between this number for say the square root of 4.5 and 9.3