what is a example of how prime factorization could be used in the real world

dividing something into equal pieces, exchanging money, comparing prices, understanding time and making calculations during travel.

Bru you wouldnt know if he got that off the internet or not. You dont think. you looking up the answers to the question so basically u got that off the internet to boo boo bear :). And if you wondering I was going to post a reply to answer the question for my twin |:)

Prime numbers have only two factors, the number 1 and the prime number itself. Composite numbers have more than two factors, and every composite number can be written as a unique product of primes. This is called the prime factorization of a number.

One example of how prime factorization can be used in the real world is in cryptography, which involves the secure transmission of information through encoding and decoding methods. In modern cryptography, prime numbers are often used as the basis for encryption algorithms.

For instance, the RSA encryption algorithm relies on prime factorization. It works by generating two large prime numbers and multiplying them together to create a public key. This public key can be shared with anyone who wants to send an encrypted message. The recipient of the message has the corresponding private key, which is derived from the prime factors of the original two primes. By using prime factorization to determine the private key, encryption can be securely undone and the original message can be decrypted.

To actually perform prime factorization in this context, specialized algorithms such as the General Number Field Sieve (GNFS) are used. These algorithms are designed to efficiently find the prime factors of large numbers, which is essential for the security of cryptographic systems.

btw ???, u got that off the Internet


idk but ur texts r way off...