Mathew has 150 page book. He has read 1/3 go it How many pages has he read so far

150 * 1/3 = ______ pages read so far

150/3 is 50. He has read 50 pages so far.

To find out how many pages Mathew has read so far, we need to calculate 1/3 of the total number of pages in his book.

First, we can calculate 1/3 of 150:

(1/3) * 150 = 150/3 = 50

Mathew has read 50 pages so far.

To find out how many pages Mathew has read so far, we need to determine one-third of the total number of pages in the book.

Since Mathew has a 150-page book and he has read one-third of it, we can multiply the total number of pages (150) by the fraction representing the amount he has read (1/3):

150 pages * (1/3) = 50 pages

Therefore, Mathew has read 50 pages so far.