write a pseudo code which prints a list of all students over the age of 20 in a class. the input record contains age,name of students assume a sentine value of 99

for each s in students

if s.age == 99 then exit
if s.age <= 20 then continue
print s.name, s.age
next s

Sure! Here's a pseudo code implementation that prints a list of all students over the age of 20 in a class:

studentsList = empty list

age = input("Enter the age of the student (or 99 to stop): ")
IF age == 99:
name = input("Enter the name of the student: ")

IF age > 20:
student = age, name

IF studentsList is empty:
PRINT("No students over the age of 20 found.")
PRINT("Students over the age of 20:")
FOR student in studentsList:

Please note that this is just a pseudo code illustration. You would need to translate it to a programming language of your choice to make it executable.

Here's a pseudo code that prints a list of all students over the age of 20 in a class:

1. Initialize an empty list to store the students over the age of 20.
2. Read the age and name of the first student.
3. Start a loop where the condition is not age == 99:
4. If the age is greater than 20, then append the name of the student to the list.
5. Read the age and name of the next student.
6. Print the list of students over the age of 20.

Pseudo code:

students_over_20 = []

age = read_input("Enter age of student: ")
name = read_input("Enter name of student: ")

while age != 99:
if age > 20:

age = read_input("Enter age of student: ")
name = read_input("Enter name of student: ")

print("List of students over the age of 20:")
for student_name in students_over_20:

Please note that this is a pseudo code and you may need to modify it based on the programming language or specific requirements of your task.

Certainly! Here's a pseudo code that prints a list of all students over the age of 20 in a class, assuming a sentinel value of 99:

Set sentinel value to 99
Create an empty list to hold the names of students over 20 years old

Repeat the following steps until user enters the sentinel value:
Read age and name of the student
If age is greater than 20:
Add the name to the list

Print the list of names of all students over 20 years old

To implement this pseudo code in a programming language, you can use a loop (such as a while loop) to repeatedly read the age and name of each student until the sentinel value is entered. Inside the loop, you can check if the age is greater than 20 and add the student's name to a list if it is. Finally, you can print the list of names.