WHat do I do if I have a a source but I don't have the authors name and I have to put it in the paper...?understand.?

Many internet sources don't list the author. You can use the URL and title of the site.

oh ok thank you...so for example:
blah blah blah(URL)
or can you show me an example?

This site shows how to cite internet sources.


If you have a source without an author and you need to include it in your paper, you can use the URL and the title of the site. For example, if your source is a website with the title "blah blah blah," you would format your citation as follows:

"blah blah blah." URL

Here's an example to illustrate:

"This site shows how to cite internet sources." http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/cite5.html#1

In this example, the title of the site is "This site shows how to cite internet sources," and the URL is "http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/cite5.html#1." By including both the title and the URL, you provide enough information for your readers to locate the source.