At the time of early European exploration in the sixteenth century, what area of Texas did the Coahuiltecans occupy

A. Eastern
B. Northern
C. Southern
D. Western

I think it is C. I really need help

Yes and I'm surprised you don't know. It's in the first sentence on the Google search page.

To determine the area of Texas occupied by the Coahuiltecans during the early European exploration in the sixteenth century, we need to first understand who the Coahuiltecans were and then examine their geographical distribution.

The Coahuiltecans were indigenous people who inhabited various regions of Texas, primarily in the southern and western areas. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers who relied on the natural resources of their surroundings for sustenance. Their lifestyle and culture were influenced by the arid environment in which they lived.

Given this information, we can conclude that the Coahuiltecans mainly occupied the southern (C) and western (D) areas of Texas during the sixteenth century. Therefore, your selection of option C, Southern, is likely correct.

It's important to note that historical information can sometimes be nuanced or subject to different interpretations. If you need absolute certainty or additional information, consulting academic sources or referring to reputable historical texts would be advisable.

does anybody know