What was the main reason American Indians went to war?

to get revenge THIS ONE

to protect their land

to gain more territory

to run whites out of their territory

2. Which of the following is true of warlike tribes?

men were treated as second-class citizens until they fought in battle.

Tribe member would only fight if they needed to protect themselves. THIS ONE

Warriors wanted to make combat periods last for as long as possible.

Tribal leaders had no say in whether the tribe would engage in war.

3. How were the American Inidnas largely responsible for the sucess of European settlements?

they provided the Europeans with shelter

they shared their land with the Europeans This one

they taught the Europeans how to grow certain crops

they led the Europeans to large deposits of gold and silver.

I think one was to protect their land,

To answer the questions and understand the main reasons American Indians went to war, we can examine historical records and accounts. The main reasons varied among different tribes and regions, but generally, there were four main reasons for American Indians to engage in warfare:

1. Revenge: One reason American Indians went to war was to seek revenge against rival tribes or European settlers who had committed acts of aggression or violence against them.

2. Protection of Land: Many tribes went to war to protect their ancestral lands from encroachment by European settlers. They viewed warfare as a means to defend their territory and way of life.

3. Expansion of Territory: Some tribes engaged in warfare to gain more territory or resources. This could be driven by population growth, scarcity of resources, or strategic advantages.

4. Defense against Settlers: American Indians often engaged in warfare to resist or run whites out of their territories. This was a response to the encroachment and colonization efforts of European settlers.

Regarding warlike tribes, it is important to note that not all tribes were warlike. However, for those tribes that did engage in warfare, the reasons varied. While some tribal members may have only fought to protect themselves and their communities, others may have had different motivations.

Lastly, regarding the success of European settlements, the statement "they shared their land with the Europeans" is accurate. American Indians played a significant role in the success of European settlements by providing the settlers with essential knowledge of the land, its resources, and survival skills. Additionally, they often established alliances and traded goods with the Europeans, facilitating peaceful coexistence and economic development.