Sari has 3 times as many pencil erasers as Sam. Together they have 28 erasers. How many erasers does sari have? A. 7 B. 14. C. 18 D. 21

We said 21. Right?

Yes, D. is correct. Take a look at this equation:

21 / 3 = 7.
7 + 21 = 28

Have a great day!


No, the correct answer is 18 erasers. Let's break it down:

Let's assume that Sam has x erasers.
According to the given information, Sari has 3 times as many erasers as Sam, which means Sari has 3x erasers.

Together they have 28 erasers:
x + 3x = 28
4x = 28
x = 28/4
x = 7

Now, we know Sam has 7 erasers.

To find the number of erasers Sari has, we multiply Sam's erasers by 3:
3 * 7 = 21

So, Sari has 21 erasers, not 18.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C. 21

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the information given.

Let's say Sam has x number of erasers.

According to the problem, Sari has 3 times as many pencil erasers as Sam. So, Sari would have 3x erasers.

Together, they have 28 erasers, so we can write the equation: x + 3x = 28.

Combining like terms, we have 4x = 28.

To find the value of x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 4: 4x/4 = 28/4.

This simplifies to x = 7.

Therefore, Sam has 7 erasers, and since Sari has 3 times as many, Sari has 3 * 7 = 21 erasers.

So the correct answer is D. 21 erasers.