39.8g of a mixture of Potassium chloride, KCl, and Potassium trioxochlorate (v) KClO3, were heated to a constant mass.If the residue weighed 28.9g, what was the percentage of Potassium chloride in the mixture?


Answer to my question

heating liberates the oxygen

using the amount of oxygen liberated , find the original mass of KClO3

% KCl = 100% - % KClO3

39.8g of a mixture of Potassium chloride, KCl, and Potassium trioxochlorate (v) KClO3, were heated to a constant mass.If the residue weighed 28.9g, what was the percentage of Potassium chloride in the mixture?



9.8g of a mixture of potassium chloride and potassium trioxochlorate were heated to a constant mass. If the residue weight 28.9g, what is the percentage mass of potassium chloride in the mixture?


To find the percentage of Potassium chloride (KCl) in the mixture, we need to calculate the mass of KCl and then divide it by the total mass of the mixture. Here's how you can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Find the mass of KCl in the mixture:
The total mass of the mixture is given as 39.8g.
The mass of the residue (after heating) is given as 28.9g.
So, to find the mass of KCl, we subtract the mass of the residue from the total mass:
Mass of KCl = Total mass - Mass of residue
= 39.8g - 28.9g
= 10.9g

Step 2: Find the percentage of KCl in the mixture:
To calculate the percentage, we use the formula:
Percentage = (Mass of KCl / Total mass of the mixture) × 100

Substituting the values, we have:
Percentage of KCl = (10.9g / 39.8g) × 100
= 27.39%

Therefore, the percentage of Potassium chloride (KCl) in the mixture is approximately 27.39%.

Note: The values for atomic masses of O, Cl, and K are provided as reference.