A rectangle is x+3cm long and ycm wide.If the perimeter of the rectangle is 24cm,show that y =a-x

no idea what a is supposed to be, but we have

2(x+3 + y) = 24
2x+2y = 18
x+y = 9
y = 9-x

To solve this problem, we need to understand the definition of perimeter and how it relates to the lengths and widths of a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of all four sides. In this case, the given length of the rectangle is x+3 cm and the given width is y cm. Therefore, the perimeter is:

Perimeter = 2(width) + 2(length)
= 2(y) + 2(x+3)

According to the given information, the perimeter of the rectangle is 24 cm. So we can write the equation as:

24 = 2(y) + 2(x+3)

Now, let's simplify the equation:

24 = 2y + 2x + 6

Rearranging the equation to isolate the y term, we get:

2y = 24 - 2x - 6
2y = 18 - 2x

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for y:

y = (18 - 2x) / 2
y = 9 - x

So, by simplifying the equation, we can see that y = a - x, where a = 9.