Complete your title page for Health and the People/ Medicine.

It needs to show the difference between natural and super natural cures.

sorry that was an accident i wanted to ask what type of supernatural cures there are

I don't think there are supernatural cures. All cures have a reason, even if it's rare.

To create a title page for your project on "Health and the People/Medicine" showcasing the difference between natural and supernatural cures, follow these steps:

1. Open a word processing software or graphic design tool that allows you to create a title page. Examples include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Adobe Photoshop.
2. Start by selecting an appropriate page size and orientation for your title page, typically A4 or letter size in portrait orientation.
3. Choose a relevant background color or image that complements the theme of your project. Consider using colors associated with nature, such as green or earth tones.
4. Create a centered heading at the top of the title page that represents your project title: "Health and the People/Medicine."
5. Below the main title, create two subheadings, each aligned to the left and right margins of the page, to represent "Natural Cures" and "Supernatural Cures" respectively.
6. For the "Natural Cures" section, include relevant imagery or icons that symbolize nature and holistic healing, such as leaves, herbs, or a person practicing yoga or meditation.
7. For the "Supernatural Cures" section, include imagery or icons associated with mysticism, such as crystals, stars, or symbols representing spiritual or magical practices.
8. Beneath each subheading, provide a brief explanation or definition of what each category represents. For example, under "Natural Cures," you might write, "Traditional remedies derived from nature and focused on holistic well-being." For "Supernatural Cures," your explanation could be, "Beliefs and practices involving supernatural or mystical forces for healing."
9. Consider including decorative elements, such as borders or dividers, to visually separate the sections and make your title page more visually appealing.
10. Finally, add any additional information required, such as your name, the course title, date, or other relevant details, typically aligned at the bottom of the page.
11. Proofread your title page for any errors in spelling, grammar, or formatting.

Remember, designing a title page is an opportunity to visually represent the subject matter of your project. Be creative and use elements that effectively convey the difference between natural and supernatural cures in a visually appealing way.