which of the following was the trade good Meroë became famous for?


1: B: Iron

2: B: in lower Egypt
3: deities controlled all aspects of life, deitities could be either kind or hostile toward humans, Pharaoh was a god himself
4: B: Preserving human bodies through mummification let Egyptians learn about anatomy and medicine
5: The Black Land
6: Egypt (grain & Jewelry) Kush: (gold, ivory, iron)
7: C; She was a female pharaoh
8: D: Pharaohs were worshiped as gods, and pyramids were ways to honor the pharaoh
9:A: Their trading boats were unable to go past them
10: B; Acts as a guide to the afterlife for dead souls
11: (1)Snefru encourages, (2)E & K have interdependent trading relationships, (3) E wants K's gold, (4) Kush looks to expand (5) The 2 countries are independent until both fall
12: Pharaoh=God/king, Nobles/priests/officials=helped pharaoh run the gov, Scribes=kept recod, Merchants/artisans=sold and made goods, farmers/slaves/servants=did the physical labor
13: D: Paper Making
14: Glass

^^ That is correct for connexus users

Thanks Stanley even tho its not graded ._.

Daamn! Jiskha is a lifesaver for people who use Connexus. Thanks Stanley.

Stanley is wrong i got 94%(still good but imma give the right answer) all of stanleys answers are correct besides #11. its actually 1snefru encourages trade between e&k. 2 E wants K's gold and attack, and conquers kush. 3 K looks to expand their kingdom and conquers E. 4 E&K Are independent untill both fall.

i believe its iron



it is:

3) deities controlled all aspects of life, deities could be either kind or hostile toward humans, Pharaoh was a god himself
4: B: Preserving human bodies through mummification let Egyptians learn about anatomy and medicine
5: The Black Land
6: Egypt (grain & Jewelry) Kush: (gold, ivory, iron)
7: C; She was a female pharaoh
8: D: Pharaohs were worshiped as gods, and pyramids were ways to honor the pharaoh
9:A: Their trading boats were unable to go past them
10: B; Acts as a guide to the afterlife for dead souls
12: Egypt and Kush have an interdependent trading relationship.
Egypt wants Kush's gold, attacks, and conquers Kush.
Kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers Egypt.
Snefru encourages trade between Egypt and Kush.
The two countries are independent until both fall hundreds of years later.s=helped pharaoh run the gov, Scribes=kept recroed, Merchants/artisans=sold and made goods, farmers/slaves/servants=did the physical labor
13: D: Paper Making
14: Glass

I got 100%
I think

on number 11 please do the first one at the top because i got a 93 XD. i didnt know witch way to put it