So in a case like this what would you do first the exponet or 2×s. The equation is 2s^2



exponent first. so 2(s^2) not (2s)^2

you are correct

To determine the order of operations, you first need to understand the concepts of exponents and multiplication.

In the given equation 2s^2, we have the variable 's' being squared, followed by multiplication by 2. In order to evaluate this expression, we should perform the exponentiation first, and then the multiplication.

To square a variable, you need to multiply it by itself. In this case, 's' is being squared, so we multiply 's' by 's' to get s^2.

Next, we take the result of s^2 and multiply it by 2. So the final result of 2s^2 would be (2 * s^2).

In summary, when dealing with an equation like 2s^2, you should first square the variable 's' and then multiply it by 2.