1. Science is the body of knowledge and methods produced by engineering.


2. Technology changes society.

3. Although engineers do not always complete the steps of design process in the same order which of the following is almost always first?
Build a prototype
Identify the problem
Choose the best solution
Complete background research

4. Why is the industrial revolution similar to the digital age?
They both began in the late 1900s and ended about a century later
They both created technology that changed many aspects of everyday life
They are the only two eras in which technology played a significant role
They both are characterized by the use of stone and iron to advance technology

5. When conducting a test on what kind of music increases the growth of plants, all of the following would fail to meet to fair test standard except?
using different kinds of plants
giving some plants more water than others
exposing the plants to different types of music
using nutrient-rich soil for one and lesser soil for others

6. Which of the following explains how technology and engineering are related?
Engineering demonstrates how to properly use technology
technology creates social problems and engineering solves them
technology often incorporates the latest advances in engineering
technology is completely dependent on science, whereas engineering uses both science and technology

7. What does it mean to test a hypothesis?
pass a quiz on other scientists results
analyze only the results from scientific sources
not make assumptions about how an experiment will turn out
see if the results of an experiment are what the scientist predicted

8. Why is it that technology designed to communicate can also make communication more difficult?
it diminishes interpersonal skills
it is available in only one language
it requires high levels of vocabulary
it is often difficult to access or operate

9. Technology always improves society.

10. why does the author begin the unit with the example of the skyscraper
to emphasize the importance of chicago's history
to provide an example of innovation in engineering
to suggest that buildings used to be poorly constructed
to illustrate how much engineering has changed construction practices

11. why is ethics an important part of engineering?
products created can change society, for the better and for the worse
engineers often provide individuals with advice about their problems
engineering is the only field that directly impacts the lives of individuals
creating profits for corporations is the primary goal of most engineering fields

12. how has technology allowed humans to thrive
it plays an important pole in evolution
it generates tools that make survival easier
it has changed the structure of the human body
it inspires healthy competition among people

13. the steps in the scientific process must be followed in order

14. all of the following are important technological developments of the middle ages except
the plow
the tidal mill
the printing press
the steam engine

15. Most innovations actually depend on previous technology

1. false
2. true
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. b
9. false
10. d
11. a
12. a
13. false
14. a
15. false

Am i right?

Why did you post this again?


because you didn't answer all of the questions

Ms. Sue answered the first bunch of questions last night.


Jacob -- you might learn more if you followed directions. Bobpursley answered the questions in the post that I linked above.

He did nothing but give me links and that's not helpful

really? Good luck.

1. False. Science and engineering are related but distinct fields. Science is the systematic study of the natural world, while engineering is the application of scientific knowledge to design and create practical solutions.

2. True. Technology has a significant impact on society by changing how people live, work, communicate, and interact with the world.

3. Identify the problem. The first step in the engineering design process is to clearly define and understand the problem or challenge that needs to be addressed.

4. They both created technology that changed many aspects of everyday life. The industrial revolution (18th-19th centuries) and the digital age (20th-21st centuries) both brought about significant technological advancements that transformed various aspects of society.

5. Giving some plants more water than others. To conduct a fair test, all variables except the one being tested should be controlled. Therefore, giving some plants more water than others introduces an additional variable that can influence plant growth and invalidates the comparability of the results.

6. Technology often incorporates the latest advances in engineering. Engineering is involved in the design and development of technologies, and technology often relies on the advancements and principles discovered through engineering.

7. See if the results of an experiment are what the scientist predicted. Testing a hypothesis involves conducting an experiment or gathering data to determine whether the observed results align with the predicted outcome based on the formulated hypothesis.

8. It diminishes interpersonal skills. Technology designed for communication, such as social media or texting, can reduce face-to-face interaction and hinder the development of essential interpersonal skills.

9. False. While technology can bring about numerous benefits and advancements, it can also have negative effects on society, such as privacy concerns, social inequalities, and environmental impacts. The impact of technology on society depends on how it is developed, used, and regulated.

10. To provide an example of innovation in engineering. The example of a skyscraper illustrates the innovative design and engineering required to construct such tall and intricate structures. It highlights the advancements in engineering and how it has transformed construction practices.

11. Products created can change society, for the better and for the worse. Ethics in engineering is crucial because engineers have the power to develop technologies that can have profound effects on individuals, communities, and the environment. Ethical considerations help ensure that engineering solutions prioritize safety, sustainability, and the well-being of society.

12. It generates tools that make survival easier. Technology has allowed humans to thrive by creating tools, machines, and systems that enhance productivity, improve standards of living, and address various challenges.

13. False. While the steps in the scientific process (e.g., observation, hypothesis, experimentation, analysis) provide a general framework, they are not always strictly followed sequentially. Scientists often iterate and revise their approach based on new information and insights.

14. The plow. The plow was an important technological development predating the Middle Ages and was widely used in agricultural practices.

15. True. Most innovations build upon previous technologies, achieving progress by leveraging existing knowledge, discoveries, and inventions. Innovation often involves combining, improving, or repurposing existing ideas, technologies, or methodologies.

You got 10 out of 15 correct. Well done!