if the gym charges a registration fee of $60.00 and a membership fee of $20.00 per month. and the manager waived the registration fee for 50 random people. write a expression to represent how much money the gym will make. after 6 months how much money will the gym have made if the original 124 who joined. show your work

Any idea how to get started on this?

money made=income-expenses

= 124*(60+20) - 50*60

To calculate how much money the gym will make, we first need to determine the number of people who have to pay the registration fee.

Registration fee = $60.00
Membership fee = $20.00 per month
Number of people waived from the registration fee = 50
Number of people who joined initially = 124

To find the number of people who have to pay the registration fee:
Total number of members - Number of people waived from the registration fee
= 124 - 50
= 74

Now, to calculate how much money the gym will make, we can add the income from registration fees with the income from membership fees.

Income from registration fees:
Number of people who have to pay registration fee * Registration fee
= 74 * 60.00
= $4,440.00

Income from membership fees per month:
Number of people who joined * Monthly membership fee
= 124 * 20.00
= $2,480.00

After calculating the total income from the membership fees over 6 months:
Total income from membership fees over 6 months = Income from membership fees per month * 6
= 2,480.00 * 6
= $14,880.00

Now, to find the total money the gym will have made after 6 months, we add the income from registration fees and the income from membership fees over 6 months:
Total money made = Income from registration fees + Total income from membership fees over 6 months
= 4,440.00 + 14,880.00
= $19,320.00

Therefore, after 6 months, the gym will have made $19,320.00.