If you want to lose 5 pounds of body fat which is 15percent water, how many kilocalories do you need to expend?

To calculate the number of kilocalories you need to expend to lose 5 pounds of body fat, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the total weight of body fat:
Since 15% of the 5 pounds is water weight, you need to subtract that from the total weight to get the weight of body fat:
Body fat weight = Total weight - Water weight
Body fat weight = 5 pounds - (15% * 5 pounds)
Body fat weight = 5 pounds - (0.15 * 5 pounds)
Body fat weight = 5 pounds - 0.75 pounds
Body fat weight = 4.25 pounds

Step 2: Calculate the number of kilocalories per pound of body fat:
It is generally estimated that one pound of body fat contains approximately 3,500 kilocalories.
Kilocalories per pound = 3,500 kilocalories

Step 3: Multiply the kilocalories per pound by the weight of body fat:
Total kilocalories needed to expend = Kilocalories per pound × Body fat weight
Total kilocalories needed to expend = 3,500 kilocalories/pound × 4.25 pounds

Calculating the result:
Total kilocalories needed to expend = 14,875 kilocalories

Therefore, to lose 5 pounds of body fat, you need to expend approximately 14,875 kilocalories.

To determine the number of kilocalories you need to expend in order to lose 5 pounds of body fat, which is 15% water, you will need to use the following steps:

1. Calculate the total weight of the 5 pounds of body fat. Since body fat is 85% of the total weight (100% - 15% water content), you can use the formula: Total weight = Body fat weight / Percentage of body fat

In this case, the body fat weight is 5 pounds, so the total weight of the body fat is: Total weight = 5 pounds / 0.85 (85% expressed as a decimal) = 5.88 pounds

2. Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms. Since 1 pound is approximately equal to 0.4536 kilograms, you can use the formula: Weight in kilograms = Weight in pounds * 0.4536

Therefore, the weight of the body fat in kilograms is: Weight in kilograms = 5.88 pounds * 0.4536 = 2.66 kilograms

3. Determine the number of kilocalories needed to expend to lose 1 kilogram of body fat. It is generally accepted that to lose 1 kilogram of body fat, you need to expend approximately 7700 kilocalories.

4. Calculate the total number of kilocalories needed to expend to lose 2.66 kilograms of body fat. Multiply the number of kilocalories needed to expend to lose 1 kilogram of body fat by the weight of the body fat in kilograms.

Therefore, the total number of kilocalories needed to expend is: Total kilocalories = 7700 kilocalories * 2.66 kilograms = 20,462 kilocalories.

So, to lose 5 pounds of body fat, with a 15% water content, you would need to expend approximately 20,462 kilocalories.

convert fat to grams, then 4 cal/gram

you have to vaporize water, calculte grams of water, then 540cal/gram. Now unknown is how much leaves the lugs by vapor, and how much leaves the body by sweat or urination.