One last question,

Give a brief scenario explaining where a low specific heat capacity would be useful.

In cooking pots, low specific heat is desired for the pot: very little heat will go into the pot, as its temperature is rapidly inceased. For the pot handles, however, a very high specific heat would be desired. Why?

Because it take longer to heat up since High specific heat requires a lot more energy than low?

Yes, almost. You are confusing heat and temperature. Let me rephrase your answer: <<Because it take longer to feel hot since High specific heat requires a lot more energy to increase temperature, than low?>>

Sure! Let's consider the scenario of cooling electronic devices, such as a computer or a smartphone.

In this case, a low specific heat capacity of the cooling system would be beneficial. Here's why:

1. Definition: Specific heat capacity (shorthand: specific heat) is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. It is measured in joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/g°C).

2. Lower specific heat capacity: A substance with a lower specific heat capacity would require less heat energy to raise its temperature compared to a substance with a higher specific heat capacity.

3. Cooling electronic devices: Electronic devices generate heat during operation, and excess heat can damage their components or decrease their efficiency. Therefore, it is crucial to dissipate this heat efficiently to maintain the device's performance and prevent overheating.

4. Faster cooling: If the cooling system (e.g., a heat sink or a cooling fan) has a low specific heat capacity, it will heat up quickly when it comes into contact with the electronic device. As a result, the heat energy from the device will be rapidly absorbed by the cooling system.

5. Efficient heat dissipation: The absorbed heat energy will then be quickly transferred away from the device, either through conduction, convection, or radiation. Since the cooling system has a lower specific heat capacity, it can dissipate the heat more efficiently, preventing the device from overheating.

6. Compact design: Additionally, a low specific heat capacity of the cooling system allows for a more compact design. Since less heat energy is required to raise the temperature of the cooling system, it can be made smaller and lighter, making it suitable for portable electronic devices like smartphones or laptops.

To summarize, in the scenario of cooling electronic devices, a low specific heat capacity of the cooling system would be useful as it enables faster cooling, efficient heat dissipation, and a more compact design.