
Definition of mouth

plural mouths play \ˈmau̇t͟hz also ˈmau̇z, ˈmau̇ths; in synecdochic compounds like "blabbermouths" thsmore frequently\
How do you pronounce "mouths"? Which one is commonly pronounced?
1. mau̇t͟hz
2. mau̇z
3. mau̇ths
4. mau̇s

#1 is the common pronunciation.

The commonly pronounced pronunciation of "mouths" is option 1: \ˈmau̇t͟hz

To determine the commonly pronounced version of "mouths," we can refer to the phonetic spellings provided in the definition you provided.

The phonetic spellings given are:
1. \ˈmau̇t͟hz
2. also ˈmau̇z
3. ˈmau̇ths

The most commonly pronounced version of "mouths" is typically \ˈmau̇t͟hz or "mauthz." This is the pronunciation that closely follows the standard English pronunciation of the word "mouth."

However, different people may pronounce words differently depending on their accent or dialect. So while \ˈmau̇t͟hz is the most widely accepted and commonly used pronunciation, it's possible to hear variations like \ˈmau̇z or ˈmau̇ths in certain regions or contexts.